
Friday, December 30, 2011


2012 Goals:

  • strength train 2x/week
  • Cardio 2x/week
  • Walk the Dog 3x week

  • Fast food no more than 1x/month
  • Avoid white food as much as possible; substitute sweet potatoes for white, brown rice for white, 100% whole wheat for white bread
  • eat to 80% full
Home Organization/Cleaning
  • Deep clean one room once a month - baseboard, fans, vents, dust, vaccuum, throw/donate
  • Do one fun/creative beautification/non-function project a month
  • Once a month, go out and run errands by myself on Saturday afternoon
  • Go to the High Museum
  • Cook one new recipe a month
January specific:
1.  I'm going to ease back in with some light strength training, focusing mostly on core for 2-4 weeks.  I think last time, I went too fast too quickly; the primary muscles I was trying to work were fine, my core couldn't keep up, leading to the back pain.
2.  For two weeks, I'm just going to walk.  After that, I'll start incorporating some interval training, but probably not running; I think I need to get some weight off before I start running again.  So biking maybe?
3.  Since we're getting back fairly early on Monday, I can go to the grocery store and load up. 
4.  I'm going to start with the guest room to deep clean.  I need to get put the Christmas decorations back in there. 
5.  Maybe tackle the gossip bench that's been sitting there for two years?
6.  Hmm, maybe my thing to cook this month should be something with those brown bananas...