
Friday, June 3, 2011

Face It Friday

Today is when I post stats to keep myself accountable. 
  • weight:  1Z6.4 (I'm not so bold as to put my actual weight on here.  Z is current, when that number changes, I'll go to Y, then X...)  Still, down 10 from a year ago.
  • calories: 1744 day/average (damn the wine)
  • exercise:  2 for 2.  Walked with the kids and Hubs Wed.  Walked/ran 3 miles Thursday.  Sadly, I'm sore from that. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A New Plan

So I let this space go to pot over the last couple of months.  I haven't exercised consistently in probably two months, but I haven't been too bad with the eating.  I'm down about 10 pounds from where I was a year ago. 

While there's no excuse, my explanation is that the last couple of months of Hub's student teaching were pretty tough.  I basically had to take on all of the household/kid responsibilities for a while there.  But, he did graduate and is now home with the kids for the summer.  So that's freed up a lot of my time.  So back to the mission. 

I think this go round, I'm going to focus a lot more on my nutrition and getting some general movement going on, rather than trying to stick to a hardcore workout program.  I think I was pushing myself too hard with the FBB program.  While I have decent strength in my arms and legs, my core is still very, very weak. I blame the c-sections.  But my back, especially my lower right, hurts from time to time and was really bad when I was trying to do FBB hardcore.  So I'm going to focus on walking, running, and doing some core-strengthening stuff for right now, and look at the more serious stuff in a month or two. 

On the nutrition side, Hubs is suprisingly much more on board about trying to eat healthy.  We've planted a vegetable garden and are making an effort to eat at home more with less packaged stuff.  I'm going back to tracking calories.  I'm going to keep the calories in the 1200-1550 mark and try to meet the protein and fiber goals.  I'm not going to worry about the fat limit too much, if I know all my fat is healthy fat - nuts, whole grains, lean meat, etc.

I think tomorrow I'll start a weekly report - weight, calorie intake, exercise.