I haven't done a very good job about keeping up with this blog. But I have stayed on track. I'm down 7.4 pounds so far and have done a pretty good job with the eating. The weekends are killing me, but during the week I'm pretty darn good.
I've started on a new breakfast. I tried to make kasha on my own*, but broke down and bought the pre-packaged Kashi brand. I tried mixing in a little Kefir, but I don't like it. I may try the flavored kind, but the plain, unsweetened kind tastes like watered down sour cream. So now I'm mixing the cooked Kashi with pumpkin puree, peanut butter, honey, and flax and chia seeds. Pretty darn good and VERY filling.
Lunch this week has been a raid-the-pantry soup I made this weekend. We had almost no food in the house, I just went through pantry and fridge throwing stuff in a soup pot. Start with garlic in EVOO, throw in canned diced potatoes, canned tomatoes with juice, black beans, corn, chicken, kale and italian seasoning blend. Ta da! I really like the kale in the soup. Heck, I just like the kale period. I probably need to use the rest of that up tonight. But I think soup's going to become a staple for weekday lunches this fall and winter. So easy and healthy.
I started running again! I'm so excited. I did two one-mile runs last week and the shins were just fine. But I'm being really careful. For the first one, I ran on the treadmill and for the second, I mostly ran on a trail in our neighborhood (a little on the concrete). I'm also still stretching a lot and have increased my walking warm up and cool down time. I actually think the walking after running helps more than the walking before. So I'm uping my mileage this week by .2. It does bug me a little to have to drop back to such short distance, but if that's what it's going to take, so be it.
*I seem to have the only Whole Foods in the nation that doesn't have bulk bins.
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