
Friday, December 17, 2010


Good lord this blog is boring.  But right now, I feel like all I can do is keep my head above water.  I'm doing pretty well on the workouts, just not so great on the eating.  I did have Chinese takeout yesterday, but I've otherwise stayed away from fast food.  I think that until the holidays are over, I just need to concentrate on getting my workouts in and not on the food as much - just do the best I can. 

I am really enjoying the workouts though. I wonder if I'm not pushing hard enough because I'm not sore at all.  But I am having trouble doing the full sets.  Does rolling and the shake help that much?
Bkfast: kashi, peanut butter, flax seed, chia seed, half a banana, skim milk
Snack:  handful of cashews
Lunch:  Ham sandwich, chips, couple bites of cookie
Snack: nada
Dinner: spaghetti, salad

1ABird Dog310
1BForward Ball Roll/stir the pot310
2AStepup31212 db
2B Three Point Dumbell Row3122@20,1@25
3APartial co-contraction lunge312
3BIncline pushup312
4AHip-Thigh Extension312
4BBent-Over Reverse Fly3128 db

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