8 Breakfast: Okay, I didn't start off so great with this - you're supposed to eat within 15 minutes of getting up. I woke up at 5:30 because a certain small child was yelling. I realized I was not hungry. Not nauseated, but not at all hungry. Anti-hungry? So I plucked small child from his bed, put him in mine, and sorta dozed for a few (30) more minutes. I did end up eating at work at 8:00, which is an improvement. I typically have coffee at eight and eat at nine. Breakfast consisted of:
instant multi-grain hot cereal
1TBSP sliced almonds
1 banana
1TBSP peanut butter
coffee with half and half
Not perfect, but not bad. I need to switch peanut butters - even the "healthy" big brand tastes really sweet. Not sure if this was enough protein, but whatever. *later note - it does have sugar
I tried the coffee without sweetener yesterday and it was quite good. However, the work coffee isn't nearly as good the coffee we buy. I really don't want to start having to make my own. Maybe I'll switch to green tea that much faster.
AM Snack: Whoops. Got busy.
11:30 Lunch:
Brown rice
Butternut squash
hard boiled egg
Okay, I'm realizing that an AM snack might be a good idea. I'm always at my hungriest at about 3:30-5:30. I usually have a snack somewhere around 3, but am still starving by dinner. I wonder if I have a mid-morning snack, if that will help later in the day:
1 PM snack: I was already hungry. I sat for a little to see if I was in fact hungry or just bored. Yes, yes, I am hungry. So, apple & string cheese.
3:30 snack: carrot sticks and hummus
Post workout: Another whoops. Forgot my shake.
Dinner: ground beef tacos, corn tortillas, sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese
Base Plan Workout A
2 Bird Dog | |
2 Forward Ball Roll | |
2x12 Stepup | 10 |
2x12 Three Pt Dumbell Row | 15 |
2x12 Partial co-cont lunge | |
2x12 Incline pushup | |
2x12 Hip-Thigh Extension | |
2x12 Bent-Over Reverse Fly | 8 |
I was a little concerned with this workout at first. The warmup was good - I was just starting to sweat when I finished it. The first two exercises weren't challenging at all. The second set was exercises that I had been doing, so I bumped the weight up. A little challenging, but not much. I'll definitely bump the weight again next time.
But the partial co-contracting lunge. Dear God. It about killed me. And I mean that in the best way possible. I have been doing lunges with weights, so I didn't think it would be all that challenging. But in the first 12, I was seriously struggling. Oddly, the second 12 didn't seem to be worse. But my thighs were so burned out that the last set (extension and fly) was hard just because my legs were shaky. I figured I would have trouble walking today.
But I stretched and rolled after and I totally understand that weird foam thing now. I was making the most embarrassing sounds on the foam roller. Thank God no one was in the gym. But today? I'm just the right amount sore. I feel it everywhere, but I can sit and rise from the potty without gasping. Success!
***Edited to add: Okay, I posted this first thing in the morning. By 3pm, my thighs were so sore I was practically limping.
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